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There’s so much excitement surrounding an upcoming holiday that you’ll only be focussing on the fun parts, which may leave you forgetting about the dangers that travelling abroad can bring. From road accidents to slips around the pool, threats are around every corner and it’s important that you feel fully prepared if the worst comes to worst.
Many of the things that you can do to prepare yourself for accidents require very little effort but may be pivotal in you getting the care you need as well as not having to bear a financial burden for an injury.
Find out what you should do before and after you have an accident when on holiday below, so you can keep your anxiety to a minimum should this happen.
Before You Travel
Before stepping foot on any plane, there are two things you should consider acquiring. The first is travel insurance, which can easily be found by using price comparison sites like Compare the Market. Travel insurance can cover any medical fees and all you have to pay is a pre-agreed excess charge. Suffering an injury abroad is a bad enough situation to be in without having to worry about paying hefty medical fees.
You should consider getting a Global Health Insurance Card too, which allows you to receive healthcare in Europe at lower prices or for no charge at all. Some countries have rules on how this card is used but it’s free to apply for, so it will come at no extra expense to you.
Consider booking a package holiday for added protection
If you want extra reassurance that you’ll be looked after if you suffer an injury, then booking a package holiday through a travel company may give you access to medical care more easily than independent travel.
They may also be able to accommodate you better and find alternative travel at no extra cost if you need an extra day or two to recover from your injury.
What should you do when you first get injured?
You should seek immediate medical attention if you fall ill or get injured. Ask locals to call an ambulance or find someone who can provide care immediately.
Once you’re being seen by a medical professional, call your insurance providers and they should be able to help with medical bills as you receive treatment.
What should you do if the injury was the fault of the hotel or accommodation?
If you’ve suffered an injury and your accommodation is to blame, then you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim.
You shouldn’t have to deal with the financial or mental burdens that come with injuries and so, you may be able to claim compensation to help build your life back up after the injury.